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The Accessible Learning Foundation
– or ALF –
campaigns for and provides: 

  • better identification and;

  • support for people with neurodivergent conditions.

  • ensuring neurodivergent people can always find their way.

Girl in Class
People with dyslexia, ADHD, autism, and other neurodivergent conditions should have the same opportunities as everybody else.

But school and work aren’t so straightforward for those who learn differently, and without extra literacy support they can be left behind.

What Are We Doing?

Art Class

Early identification of neurodivergent children in primary schools

We have started to fund neurodivergent screening in primary schools to enable all children’s strengths and weaknesses to be identified from an early age. With a “whole child” approach at the centre of our mission we have chosen the Do-it Profiler as our screener of choice.


In partnership with parent/teacher questionnaires, it provides an accurate learning profile of the child, identifying all neurodivergent traits, in one 30-minute online screening session. As conditions often co-occur it is vitally important that all traits (as opposed just one) are identified to enable the right support to be put in place.

Teacher support within primary schools

Alongside the provision of the Do-It Profiler we are looking at providing teachers, within our partner schools, the necessary training to support those with neurodivergent traits.

Support within the prison sector

We are currently looking at funding schemes in prisons that would positively affect literacy rates and offer increased support for neurodivergent inmates.

Support within the business sector

We are speaking to many businesses about the initiatives they have introduced which support the neurodivergent in the workplace and are looking at ways we can share acquired knowledge to others in this sector.

Startup Development Team
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