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Ensuring neurodivergent people get the support they need in schools, prisons and the workplace.
We campaign for and provide early identification and support ensuring neurodivergent people can always find their way.

Did you know?
1 in 5
Only 1 in 5 people leave school with their dyslexia identified
97% of excluded students have special educational needs
50% of prisoners have a reading age of an 11 year old
just 22% of autistic people are in any kind of employment
People with dyslexia, ADHD, autism, and other neurodivergent conditions should have the same opportunities as everybody else.
But school and work aren’t so straightforward for those who learn differently, and without extra literacy support they can be left behind.
How we are making a difference
Our work is in campaigning for and providing early identification of neurodivergent conditions and better support for the neurodivergent in schools, prisons and the workplace. See our impact to find out how we are getting on.
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